For both the 2020-21 and the 2021-22 versions of the project, we had the opportunity to work with Professor Mardini’s 3D Design Collaboration Project class. This partnership allowed us to create a more expansive environment and detailed 3D assets for the project. The 3D assets for the project was all created using Blender modeling software.

In terms of environment, we designed three levels for users to explore. The Observatory level incorporates assets from the previous iteration of the project as well as new assets to create an area where users can get a closer look at the stars.

We also designed two different outdoor areas for users to view the stars from. The Northern Hemisphere level depicts a forest scene from that side of the world while the Southern Hemisphere level depicts a desert scene so users can also view the stars as seen from the other side of the world.

Based on research and visual references, the 3D team utilized trained AI to generate textures for the various types of stars to accurately represent what it would look like. Using procedural textures allows for increased storage, asset file size minimization and in turn offers unlimited resolution.